Ahh, thank you Utah for showing up for a Halloween themed Pinterest party! It was a lot of work but super fun to see it all come together and be able to see old friends and make new ones. Keep reading to see what we ate and made!
I complied ideas and inspiration on this Pinterest board.
Some setup. It was fun to have the s'mores candy corn for people to try and Reese was interested in the skeleton. Lol, this picture makes me laugh. I also had a bunch of cauldrons and my sister had lots of candy from a recent party her kids went to so we filled them up and set them around on the table.
The crafts we made!
We made these "cemetariums" that I found on Instagram originally actually but have since seen them on Pinterest. It was kind of hard to track down all the small items I needed. I ended up doing some returns and lots of searching at Walmart, Hobby Lobby, Michael's, Joann's and the Dollar Tree.
I bought some of the glass bowls at D.I and finally the Dollar Tree had some good ones in stock.
We had mini pumpkins, spiders, skeletons, headstones, coffins, white rocks, mossy stuff, brooms, hay bales, bones and more. It was fun to see what was out there that would be good even though I felt like I drove all over Salt Lake to track items down.
Tons of fun accessories and I loved how they all turned out.
My sister found a link to these ghost wreaths that were super cute but the only problem is that I could not find the 3D folding paper wedding bells anywhere! Except online and they would not arrive in time. Even with Amazon Prime shipping. Sad day. So we resulted to plastic golf balls/ping pong balls and cheesecloth. Personally I think the paper wedding bells looked so darling but this was a good compromise. By the way, it's so hard to find cheesecloth in October. Finally I was able to find it at Michael's in a small package. Joann's had it but it was on a huge cardboard piece for $20. No thanks!
The food we ate!

So much good food!
Halloween rice krispy treats. Inspiration here
Chips and guac to balance out all the sweet
Chocolate spiders! Inspiration here
These green beans (like witches fingers) were so super good. I couldn't get enough.
My sister made this coffee cake with orange and brown chocolate chips that I finally found at Walmart. Surprised that Winco did not have them.
Waiting for a recipe on this cake and then I'll update the post.
Thanks to all who came and thanks for coming by to see how the latest Utah Pinterest party went!
The last craft was decorating blank pop sockets/phone grips. I ordered a bunch of black and white ones to use and experiment with and people got pretty creative using everything from sequins and mod podge to paint and glow in the dark mini rocks.
A fun and simple craft to end the night.
Huge thanks to all who came, I hope you all had fun!
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