For a few months now, a couple of my neighbors and I have been gathering to do paint nights. It's been fun to work on our skills and try something that does not come super easy to us (well, to those of us who have not been doing this for long). Keep reading to see what we've painted this summer!
This was Easy Pines Snowfall
Let me tell you, this was my first time in a long time really painting trees and it was somewhat difficult for me to get the hang of but kind of got better as I went along.
Trying to splatter paint "stars" is not as easy as it looked like it would be.
The finished look from the 3 of us who painted. I think they are all unique and cool looking!
We meet at my neighbors house who is just a few doors down, because she has real ac and it's been a crazy hot summer. This month, we went out to her husband's shop and set up out there which worked out well.
Cherry Blossoms (I think this is the video we used)
I went home that night and tried my hand at it on mini canvases which was pretty fun to do! we have another tree but this one is a lot different because we add an animal.
Only 2 of us participated and the other friend who let's us use her space, chatted and hung out with us.
Progress being made.

Owl Acrylic Painting tutorial that we used.

Owl Acrylic Painting tutorial that we used.
I am excited to see what the next painting we do will be! We all take turns picking so that's been a treat.
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